Our Story

Focused on building relationships
As we are all challenged in the new business era with rapidly evolving expectations and transformation, we want to be a company that leaves a legacy and is remembered for years for what we have accomplished and delivered to our esteemed clients.
At QDS, we are proud to have an excellent team that strives to reach the success and excellence that we promise to deliver to our customers, marketplace, society and community, and business partners.
Q.D.S.T.E.A.M Values and Philosophy
Q uality
S ervice excellence
D etermination
T eamwork
E mpowerment
A ccountability
M aking a difference
Our Motto: Success and Excellence
We strive to create new and progressive approaches to our services, constantly adding value to our customer’s strategic initiatives. QDS has the critical mass and compact structure that will enable it to bolster its presence in its two major activity sectors: information technology solutions, services, and consultancy AND healthcare solutions and services.
We pursue highest qualities for our solutions, services, and operations to attain the highest levels of customer satisfaction and customer experience to ensure that all our customers maximize the benefit realization of their endeavors.
As a result, over the last 40 years, QDS has established a reputation for delivering and providing some of the highest-quality solutions and services to the entire market and across all market segments and industries. Our success would not be possible without our customers’ trust and confidence, and our dedicated employees who have shared in our incredible journey of success.
We look forward to continuing to serve and support all of you with our efforts to exceed expectations.